November Newsletter

Every month you are getting a Cooking in Bloom Newsletter. It will be full of fun things like:

  • Class updates

  • Recipes

  • Nutritional Information for the whole family

  • What’s new at Cooking in Bloom

  • and more!



Cooking in Bloom is an education program that I dreamed about when my children started grade school. I realized that a hands-on nutrition program didn't exist in the classroom, and nutrition education was not taught as a life skill. I wanted this for my children. I have always had a passion for food made simple with healthful ingredients.

What I enjoy even more is allowing food to teach! With my background in nutrition and public health, I decided to try my best to make a difference. I started Cooking in Bloom armed with the knowledge that nutrition/culinary education can have a great impact on the future of our children and our community.

Today, we are in our fourth year and still growing. Cooking in Bloom has become so much more than I ever imagined. We teach pre-k students in our Little Bloomers class how to mash, chop, roll, and taste! Our big kids class allows children to learn where our food comes from and how it gets to our table. Lastly, our teen classes teach scientific concepts that help them understand why balanced nutrition is so important.

I have dedicated myself in the pursuit of helping children learn life skills that will positively impact the health and well being of their future!

As always, Make Today Delicious!

-Denise Albert, Founder and Principal Bloomer


Check out our website for class activities, and tips for healthy living and cooking with kids!

We would love to have your children join us!

Come celebrate any occasion with Cooking in Bloom! We provide the food and fun and you bring your friends!

Booking availability starting in January

We want to know what you think!

Please share your feedback with us on Google!

Earn 1 FREE class after submitting a review.


Make today delicious!

Abi DodrillCooking in Bloom